What Happens to Mother and Child During the 5th Month of Pregnancy

The 5th month is where many of the mother and foetal developments occur. The baby is now able to kick and move the hand and the mother feels all this. The mother on the other hand starts to feel the baby’s changes in position. More to this, there are other lots of changes that happen which are seen and felt in this active month. And to get a clear description of everything that takes place, here is what happens to:

5th Month of Pregnancy

1. The Baby

In this stage, the baby’s body start developing and kicks coupled with some faint body movements can be felt by the mother. The baby is also very active especially during the evenings when the mother is preparing to get some rest. Hair starts to grow and some facial features like eyelashes and eyebrows begin to get in shape. This is probably the most active phase of the foetus. And as teeth develop in the gums and continue to grow, the thumb sucking activity begins.

Along with that, fingers and toes become visible and the hands and feet pads develop. Reproductive organs develop at this stage too. This stage marks the fast development of the foetus. It might also release mild hiccups followed by some brief periods of opening eyes and sometimes wriggling of its fingers.

2. The Mother

In the early stages of this month, the heart rate of the mother increases in the effort to provide more blood which is needed for the baby oxygen requirements. There is possible difficulty in breathing as the other internal organs become congested together with the lungs. The uterus that is constantly growing pushes itself against the lungs and the belly protrudes little by little.

The chest also widens with the breasts continuing to get bigger ad bigger. Nipples become softer and sebaceous glands which release sebum, a fatty lubricant begin forming as bumps around the nipples. Due to the difference in some hormones of different mothers, pains in legs may be felt and to some extent varicose veins may come about. Although, most of the times, varicose veins disappear soon after birth so this shouldn’t be much of a worry. It also becomes very hard to stay in comfort at night and this may bring about insomnia because of the countless visits to the bathroom. Weight is gained especially in the abdomen and buttocks which may cause discomfort and fatigue.

Itching is much more prevalent in the middle of this month and wearing less tight clothes of natural fibre may be a good solution. The mother’s vision becomes blurred and some lenses may become a bit of a bother to many. Although, the sharp vision is regained after giving birth. This means that there is no need to get new glasses or lenses of contact during this period. Feet and ankles may begin to swell for holding more fluid than they usually do. Here, it is advised that the mother should wear comfortable shoes to lessen the pain of the swell.

At times, the mother has long mood swings and worries start to crop in the mind whether the baby is doing fine, doing the best not to feel like the baby is injured and minding her physical appearance. She is also very irritated by the fact that her partner is strong and able to move about the house comfortably while she can’t. Here, the mother requires alot of reassurance that she is fine and beautiful as always.

Along with all these, here are other symptoms that persist:

  • stretch marks
  • white vaginal discharge
  • constipation
  • heartburn
  • increased appetite
  • nasal congestion
  • bleeding gums
  • flatulence
  • absent mindedness
  • changes in skin pigmentation