First Month Of Pregnancy

It is known that the first month of pregnancy is the most important part of the nine months. It is often encountered that women do not know about their pregnancy until they are in the fourth week when they start encountering symptoms. In the first month, there are extremely important events which start to occur, from the point of view of the development of the embryo and yourself as a mother.

What a mother should expect in the first month of pregnancy?

During the first month of pregnancy, you will notice many important changes that will occur in connection with your body. Small changes related to your body’s appetite and physical changes that might occur, which are still strictly related to the entire process of pregnancy. It is very important to start a healthy lifestyle within the first month and monitor the baby closely through doctor visits, in order to make sure the embryonic development is going smooth.

Morning Sickness

The best known symptom related to the first month of pregnancy is related to the malaise arising in the morning. It is important to note that only 50% of women have part of such states in a more prominent way to realize it. This symptom occurs due to a reaction of a certain area of the nervous system which causes nausea and vomiting. The nervous area is stimulated by progesterone.Also, the mother can also start feeling at this stage a slower digestion.


There is no surprise that the woman will not have the same energy as before and will not be able to occupy time with the same activities as before. Some women start to feel the fatigue starting with the first month, while others only feel it after the third month. It is normal, as the body will consume a lot of energy to support both the mother and the embryonic development.

Frequent Urination

Bladder becomes very hectic in the first month of pregnancy, due to congestion in the pelvic area, this being cause by huge levels of progesterone.

The evolution of the baby in the first month of pregnancy is known as embryonic stage of evolution. The embryo and pregnancy are calculated by adding two weeks to the period of ovulation according to the last menstrual period. In the first week, the egg divides, reaching the number of cells needed to make implantation in the uterus wall. In the third week of pregnancy, the embryo start to develop cells which start to begin to form the head. By the end of the embryo is in line with the uterus, the process of blood circulation between the mother and the child, begins.

Mother’s responsibilities

Most women do not realist they are pregnant in the first month, however if you have one or more of the above symptoms, then a pregnancy test can confirm if you are pregnant. If positive, you must be aware of the following things:

  • You must avoid exhausting activities and stress
  • Avoid alcohol and have a healthy diet
  • Spend time in good environments, without smoking
  • Do not take any pills without consulting with a doctor
  • Avoid lifting weights and running

Choose a doctor in the first month of your pregnancy and stick with him or her on the entire pregnancy.