2nd Month of Pregnancy

Pregnancy Stages – What Happens in the 2nd Month

Being pregnant is a wonderful experience and an extremely remarkable process for any woman to go through. Your body is increasingly changing to make room for your growing baby and every day may produce a new sensation. At each stage of your pregnancy, you can expect different changes to occur. Below is a brief outline of some of the changes you may expect around the time of your pregnancy 2nd month. It’s a poignant month in any pregnancy as the embryo grows towards becoming a foetus.

What happens to you?

In your 2nd month of pregnancy, there is a vast number of changes going on inside your body. The very first of the many visible changes you should expect as the mother-to-be is that your breasts may feel tender to touch and increase in size. Your abdomen is stretching slightly in preparation for your growing baby. There is an increase in hormone levels which can make you feel emotional or moody. Hence why it’s so easy to make pregnant women cry. It only takes one insensitive comment to reduce you to floods of tears. Most women feel quite fatigued around this month of their pregnancy. Fortunately, this is only temporary as you will find your energy levels will start to increase again during your next trimester. Morning sickness may become a regular daily occurrence and certain smells may make you quite nauseous. Foods and drinks you usually enjoy may now make you feel rather queasy. The increase in hormones can also affect your bladder and you may find yourself running to the rest room a bit more than is normal for you.

What happens to your baby?

By this stage of your pregnancy, the extremely small embryo is approximately 1” long and weighing about 0.1 ounces. Your growing baby is now starting to look more like a baby. External organs have progressed, lungs have grown and there is a heartbeat. The spinal cord (one of the first things to develop) is now fully formed. The internal organs have begun to develop and your baby’s eyes and ears are starting to form. Tiny limbs (also referred to as buds) will begin to take shape as the arms, legs, fingers, and toes start to grow into place. Your growing baby already has its own fingerprints by now and is starting to move into the next stage of their development process. During this month of your pregnancy, the embryo although starting to look more like a baby in form hasn’t quite reached foetus’ level yet. The sex of your baby can not be determined at this stage of your pregnancy.

During the 9 months of pregnancy, your body will go through a number of feelings and changes as it accommodates your growing baby. Some pregnancies experience more of those changes than others. Each pregnancy can be different and not every woman experiences the same things. One thing we do all have in common though, is we get to hold our tiny little bundles of joy when it’s all over.